The requirement of maintenance should be taken into account while obligating the cables.
As companies rely on more third-party data collection, they may be start obligating those companies to protect company data.
In most situations, partners will first sign a confidentiality agreement, obligating each to safeguard and respect the confidentiality of the other's information.
The obligating space on the hole makes the exhaust manifold having enough space when deforming and preventing cutting out the bolt even the exhaust manifold is deformed.
The stress distribution has been compared and analysized among three forms of anchorage as obligating silo in upward side of the pier, cementing the inside anchor and U-type anchorage.
对比分析闸墩上游预留竖井式、胶结式内锚头和U形锚固三种锚固形式的应力分布规律; 并综合比较,推荐最终采用的锚固形式——U型锚固,为闸墩结构设计提供依据,对工程设计和施工具有参考价值。