up until then
时间: 2024-07-13 18:22:53
英 [ʌp ənˈtɪl ðen]
美 [ʌp ənˈtɪl ðen]

phr. 在那之前

  • One of the more innovative uses was to use it in windows as, up until then, they had just been holes in walls.


  • Up until then, I hadn't truly realized just how expensive an education can be.


  • Up until then, she had never lived alone.


  • Up until then, I had been refactoring my code (and even other's code) without knowing it.


  • I did something that should absolutely be condemned and compromised everything positive I had done up until then.


  • Up until then it had only been produced in small amounts on the surface of the fermentation broth in milk bottles!


  • The dad-of-one explained how up until then he had never been intimate with a man and had been happy having girlfriends.


  • Up until then, Katz says, you worked for a company for 30 years, then you got a gold watch and a fixed retirement income.


  • My family had just moved to Andover, Mass. , and up until then if I was funny it was because I did stupid, obnoxious things.


  • Up until then, it's a Dances With Wolves-like immersion in a culture, landscape and universe that is utterly, wonderfully foreign.


  • He had pierced yet another solitude, the one that up until then had denied human speech between people distant from one another.


  • I apologise to everyone. I did something that should absolutely be condemned and compromised everything positive I had done up until then.


  • The goal was based on the trend observed up until then, but no one could have predicted the massive increase of HIV, particularly in southern Africa.


  • You'll still have to deal with the fact that nothing shows up until then, but let's put that on hold for a moment while you add the other filters.


  • Safe in that up until then, a leak from a fridge could either cause an explosion or send you into a peaceful sleep from which you may never wake.


  • Thee goal was based on the trend observed up until then, but no one could havepredicted the massive increase of HIV, particularly in southern Africa.

    设定这项目标是基于当时对发展趋势的观察,但当时没有人预料到艾滋病毒感染的增长如此之大,特别是在南部非洲。 。

  • Up until then the commanders of British ships had to find their own maps and charts, often from the chart sellers of central London (many of which were of dubious accuracy).


  • I lie still for a minute until I can breathe normally, then stretch my arms out to prop myself up.


  • He was barely listening until the salary was mentioned. Then he pricked up his ears.


  • They went straight ahead, then, until they came to the path that led up Cardiff Hill.



dipole moment n. 偶极矩;磁偶极矩

part time jobs pl-n. 兼职;兼职工作;(part time job的复数)

flunk v. 通不过;在…中失败;不及格;使(考生)不及格;使(考生)通不过;退学;被开除

on the other hand 另一方面

suck v. 吸;太差;令人不快;令人厌恶;吸引;卷入;吞没;含在嘴里舔吃;吮吸;吸…的奶。n. 吸食;吮吸;吸;抽吸;冲刷声。excl. 瞧…这副狼狈相

speedy passage 快速通道;快速通过

digital out 数字输出

villainy n. 恶行;犯罪

transformational adj. 转变的;转换生成语法的

expansivity n. 膨胀率