The issues the governor and the general raise are important ones. They transcend party affiliations and, quite frankly, politics.
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If your doc is part of an academic medical center, you might check out their Web site, because some are starting to list their docs with industry affiliations.
Explanation: Senators, representatives, and the president of the United States almost all have political affiliations (or membership in a political party), but not necessarily the same ones.
There is a ring beyond that that represents the affiliations of that consumer, then a ring for society, then a ring for culture and so on.
All of the principals have certain duties and skills which enable the development of affiliations between USA or Canadian companies and foreign entities or individuals.
Since there are many relationships between RIS and industrial cluster in region, structure, function and objective etc, then they have inevitable affiliations .
One way newcomers can influence groups is by displaying loyalty, toeing the line and by creating psychological distance from previous group affiliations.
Mr. Murdoch's tabloids trumpeted their political affiliations in dramatic gestures and headlines, backing or dumping party leaders with eye catching front pages.
Article 2 : These brevets are open to any amateur cyclist regardless of his or her cycling affiliations an covered by insurance.
A journal editor would then remove the authors names and affiliations from the paper and send it to their peers for review.
The society has many affiliations throughout the country.