an oil obtained from olives, used in cookery and salad dressings
n. 橄榄油
Olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes.
Only extra-virgin olive oil will do on recherché dinner tables.
Combine the tomatoes, chiles, cilantro, vinegar, lime juice and olive oil in a bowl.
Olive oil, wheat germ oil, and rice bran oil also naturally contain squalene, albeit in smaller amounts.
Just rub some bread with fresh garlics and plenty of ripe tomatoes, then drizzle with olive oil and salt.
橄榄油(Olive oil)是由新鲜的油橄榄果实直接冷榨而成的油脂,因不经加热和化学处理,保留了天然营养成分,被认为是迄今所发现的油脂中最适合人体营养的油脂,其在地中海沿岸国家有几千年的历史,在西方被誉为“液体黄金”“植物油皇后”“地中海甘露”,是世界上以自然状态的形式供人类食用的木本植物油之一。橄榄油能防止动脉硬化以及动脉硬化并发症、高血压、心脏病、心力衰竭、肾衰竭、脑出血,由于橄榄油中含丰富的单不饱和脂肪酸与多不饱和脂肪酸,其中多不饱和脂肪酸中的ω-3脂肪酸能降低癌肿从血液中提取的亚油酸的数量,使癌肿戒除了一种非常需要的营养物质。 其制作方法是将清洗后的橄榄果经过反复碾磨得到果浆,加入温度适中的水,进入比较缓慢的锤打过程,其目的是保证可以从橄榄果中最大限度地提取橄榄油,之后,将果浆装入不锈钢池进行油水分离,再经过一次或多次过滤就得到了橄榄油。 橄榄油在地中海沿岸国家有几千年的历史,在西方被誉为“液体黄金”,“植物油皇后”,“地中海甘露”, 原因就在于其极佳的天然保健功效,美容功效和理想的烹调用途,可供食用的高档橄榄油是用初熟或成熟的油橄榄鲜果通过物理冷压榨工艺提取的天然果油汁,是世界上以自然状态的形式供人类食用的木本植物油之一。
an oil obtained from olives, used in cookery and salad dressings
For this, I'm combining garlic, rosemary, lemon zest and a good glug of olive oil.
《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》
I'm gonna show you how to use flour, yeast, salt, olive oil and water and turn it into something truly magical.
《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》
And there is one other perhaps unexpected ingredient for my version of this classic British loaf. Olive oil.
《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》
Turn half of the scooped-out bread into crumbs and combine in a simple dressing with olive oil, garlic and sherry vinegar.
《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》
Now, for Chinese cooking I love to use a flavorless oil, a neutral base, if you like, to create all the different layers of flavors. Olive oil is just too strong.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
At this stage, I need to start kneading. Now, rather than put my dough into flour, which would just absorb straight into the dough and make it too tight, I'm going to use olive oil again.
《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》