[with obj.]violently break (something) into pieces
the thief smashed a window to get into the car 小偷砸碎了窗玻璃进入汽车
gone are the days when he smashed up hotels. 他砸饭店的日子一去不复返了。
[no obj.]be violently broken into pieces; shatter
the glass ball smashed instantly on the pavement. 玻璃球一落到人行道上就摔碎了。
violently knock down or crush inwards
soldiers smashed down doors. 士兵们用力把门撞倒。
crash and severely damage (a vehicle)
my Land Rover's been smashed up. 我的路虎越野车被撞坏了。
hit or attack (someone) very violently
Donald smashed him over the head. 唐纳德猛击他的头。
easily or comprehensively beat (a record)
he smashed the course record. 他打破了高尔夫球比赛的球路最高记录。
completely defeat, destroy, or foil (something regarded as hostile or dangerous)
a deliberate attempt to smash the trade union movement .一次对工会运动的蓄意破坏。
[no obj.]
〈非正式,旧〉 (生意)破产;投资失败。
[no obj., with adverbial of direction]move so as to hit or collide with something with great force and impact
their plane smashed into a mountainside. 他们的飞机撞上了山坡。
[with obj. and adverbial of direction](in sport)strike (the ball) or score (a goal, run, etc.) with great force
he smashed home the Tranmere winner. 他一脚特兰梅尔式猛射攻入了制胜的一球。
[with obj.](in tennis, badminton, and similar sports)strike (the ball or shuttlecock) downwards with a hard overarm stroke
an act or sound of something smashing
he heard the smash of glass. 他听到玻璃破碎的哗啦声。
a violent collision or impact between vehicles
a car smash .撞车。
a violent blow
a forearm smash. 前臂猛击。
a stroke in tennis, badminton, and similar sports in which the ball is hit downwards with a hard overarm volley
〈非正式,旧〉 破产;投资失败。
〈非 正式〉 轰动一时的成功歌曲(或电影、演出、演员)
a box office smash .轰动一时的票房记录。
a mixture of spirits (typically brandy) with flavoured water and ice.
with a sudden, violent shattering
they were together for an instant, and then smash it was all gone. 有一会儿他们如胶似漆,突然哗啦一声就全变了。
go to smash informal, dated be ruined or destroyed 〈非 正式,旧〉 破灭,垮台,完蛋he sees the community going to smash. 他看到社区就这样被毁了
"early 18th cent. (as a noun): probably imitative, representing a blend of words such as