〈诗/文〉 pass out of sight, memory, or existence(从眼前、记忆或存在状态中)消失,消散,隐没。
"mid 19th cent.: from Latin
v. or existence消失;消散;隐没
It brings up the method of calculating the length queue and evanesce time of queue, while the consideration to vehicles space length and followup car flow arriving in period of the red-light.
词根 evanesce
evanescent adj. 容易消散的;逐渐消失的;会凋零的
evanescence n. 逐渐消失;瞬息;幻灭
〈诗/文〉 pass out of sight, memory, or existence(从眼前、记忆或存在状态中)消失,消散,隐没。
"mid 19th cent.: from Latin