We'd have to reorganize the whole company.
That's why I wrote this book, which is about how to reorganize the economy for the future.
We have to reorganize the entire workload.
PivotTable ranges are charted as PivotChart reports, which is a chart that allows you to view different levels of detail or reorganize the layout of the chart by dragging its fields and items.
The proposed revisions would also reorganize and clarify current regulations concerning which drug establishments must register and list their drugs with FDA and what information they must submit.
There isn't even time for Gordon Strachan's team to reorganize themselves, as Shakhtar found their second goal in only the 8th minute thanks to Cristiano Lucarelli .
In the hot and unbearable afternoon, I reorganize the awards I've got during the three years, which my dad asked me to do a few days ago.
Here is a new type of restructuring that will accelerate with the legalization of holding companies, making it easier for a firm to reorganize its businesses.
Other smart people have called for such a czar to reorganize the companies and force the companies to fully embrace green technology and other good things.
A popular startup called Mint lets customers pull financial information from their bank accounts and reorganize it into an interface that puts Quicken to shame.