Finally, a topping of tangy mushrooms.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
OK, so mushrooms out, and onto the beef, like that.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Gorgeous bit of the beef there. Some of these delicious smoky mushrooms. Bit of salad.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Next, five whisked eggs. And then in with the delicious mushrooms and bacon that we cooked.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Sue's given us a list of hot pot ingredients to find in the market, lotus root, mushrooms and beef.
《Chinese New Year》《中国春节》
That's ready. The mushrooms are brown, bacon's a little bit crispy and the peppers are still crunchy.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Had these super top-shelf mushrooms in it, really gonna open up my world. Half of it's gone. Who drank it?
《This Is Us Season 1》《我们这一天 第一季》
Then all we do now is let the flavors of the stock and the mushrooms infuse with the meatballs. So just pour them into the dish.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Yes, there is. Oh, here's a fun fact. Ketchup started out as a general term for sauce, typically made of mushrooms or fish brine with herbs and spices.
《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》
And then at this stage I'm just going to add a little bit of water to help the mushrooms cook and steam and allow them to soak up all the rest of the flavors that the beef left in the wok.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
I've got here some fresh shitake mushrooms, so just slice. In with the ginger and the chillies and the mushrooms. Smells good already!
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
If you can't get these then you could use fresh chestnut mushrooms.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Lovely. So we want the shitake mushrooms lovely and softened, ready to serve up.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Slice up some red and yellow peppers, a tablespoon of grated ginger, some sliced baby corn and shitake mushrooms.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Now the wok is still hot, so very quickly I'm going to add in the shitake mushrooms. And then give that a good stir.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Into the wok with some oil and add about 200g of oyster mushrooms. They'll soak up all the juices left from the beef.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
I've got here some fragrant shiitake mushrooms, finely chopped, maybe half a red pepper, just de-seeded, and then finely diced.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
Back onto the wok, now. So, I'm going to heat the mushrooms, and it's going to be cooking in the oil that's had all the flavors from the meat.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
And then a handful of Chinese mushrooms. Now these are really woody and earthy and fragrant, and these are used to create the most gorgeous stocks in Chinese cooking.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
To go into the sauce I've got here some dry Chinese mushrooms. Really fragrant, it's going to impart a woody earthy aroma and just compliment all the other flavors in the meatballs.
《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》
The turkey is stuffed with mushrooms and breadcrumbs for the stuffing.
Pile on the mushrooms, please! I love mushrooms on pizza!
The website allows you to customize your pizza and add things like extra mushrooms or cheese.
Oh, could you pick up those mushrooms that fell on the floor?
Let's get some corn, eggplant and mushrooms to grill. And we'll need spinach for the spinach dip.
Meat and mushrooms take more time to cook, so let's throw them in the soup first.
I'm not partial to mushrooms.
Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.
Hundreds of mushrooms had sprouted up overnight.
These mushrooms would make a delicious side dish.
Both mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact deadly.
蘑菇(拉丁学名:Agaricus campestris,拼音:mó gū),又称双孢蘑菇、白蘑菇、洋蘑菇,真菌门担子菌纲伞菌目伞菌科蘑菇属,最早约于1605年在法国开始栽培,是一种能吃的优良真菌,群生或丛生;刚生长出来时是个小圆球形,逐渐变成扁平球形,成熟时展开像把撑开的雨伞,上部“菌盖”直径加大成7~12厘米;嫩时表面光滑白色,老熟时变成淡黄。蘑菇种类繁多,有超过3.6万种。蘑菇本身具备一定的好气性,不需要进行光合作用,它是世界上人工栽培较广泛、产量较高、消费量较大的食用菌品种。 蘑菇可以与排骨、肉类一起炖汤,也可以和辣椒、芸豆或五花肉一起做成清炒小菜,因它含有一种特别的物质——几丁质,又叫甲壳素,所以耐热性好,很难煮烂。 蘑菇种类有香菇、平菇、金针菇、口蘑、草菇、猴头菇等,是市场上的常见品种。 可食用蘑菇的营养价值高,是典型的低脂高蛋白食材。其蛋白质含量较高,氨基酸种类齐全,优于大部分蔬菜、水果;但它的脂肪含量较低,所含的脂类物质主要包括脂肪酸、植物甾醇和磷脂。其中不饱和脂肪酸的含量高于饱和脂肪酸,且以对人体非常有益的亚油酸为主。 除此之外,蘑菇含有B族维生素、维生素D等多种维生素和钾、钙、镁等矿物质,以及多糖类、膳食纤维、核苷类等功能成分。以金针菇为例,其游离氨基酸含量高达20.23%,富含精氨酸和赖氨酸以及多种矿物质和维生素,能促进身体健康和智力发育,被称为“增智菇”。鲜蘑菇滑嫩肥厚,只需稍作烹饪,口感不输肉类,好吃热量又低,尤其适合需要控制体重的朋友。 蘑菇的饮食禁忌:1.毒蘑菇千万不能吃,对不确定或不熟悉的蘑菇最好不要吃,有一定风险;2.蘑菇不能与鹌鹑肉一起食用会引起食物中毒,引起身体不适;金针菇不能与驴肉同食。因为蘑菇种类多,会与其发生食物相克的食物也不尽相同,在烹制时需要注意;3.蘑菇属于中医中的发物,脾胃寒湿气滞者慎食。 蘑菇的主要功效:1.抗癌。2.美容养颜。3.降低血糖。4.抗菌、镇痛。5.通便排毒。6.提高免疫力。7.降低胆固醇、预防血管硬化。