Is may for a long time for a long time in his side, unscrupulously likes him, likes him...
The excerpts of the documents or materials shall be relatively complete in content and may not made unscrupulously.
Since then, finance, like a never-ending, unscrupulously voracious vampire, changes into a manically wealth accumulator.
Nevertheless, the two businessmen were "shanghaied," so to speak, unscrupulously duped in a way Mouazzen has never experienced anywhere else.
Egypt unscrupulously maintains a peace treaty with Israel, despite that country's relentless occupation of Palestinian, Syrian, and Lebanese territories.
词根 unscrupulous
unscrupulous adj. 肆无忌惮的;寡廉鲜耻的;不讲道德的
unscrupulousness n. 狂妄;不择手段