The "Max Power Supply Capacity" is for your reference.
Simulation about MPPT is also carried out and its results explain that the control strategy designed for the former BOOST circuits of this system can track the max power point effectively.
Silicon power rectifier diode, 300 Amp. Cathode to case. Max repetitive peak reverse voltage 400v.
Periodic estimates of power output and VO2 Max could be added to this.
The paper set up a model of hydro unit maintenance , whose object is the max income in the life period of unit, considering the economic factors of the power market and restrictions of hydro units.
马克斯·鲍尔(Max Power),1993年7月27日出生于英格兰伯肯黑德,英格兰足球运动员,场上司职中前卫,现效力于英甲的桑德兰足球俱乐部。