the capital of Austria, situated in the north-east of the country on the River Danube; pop. 1,661,206 (2006) . From 1278 to 1918 it was the seat of the Habsburgs. It has long been a centre of the arts, especially music; Mozart, Beethoven, and the Strauss family were among the great composers who lived and worked there. German name
维也纳(奥地利首都,位于奥地利东北部多瑙河畔,2006年人口1,661,206;1278—1918 年为哈布斯堡王朝所在地,长期以来一直是艺术中心,尤其是音乐中心,曾在此生活和工作的著名作曲家有莫扎特、贝多芬、施特劳斯家族;德语名<Bold>W</Bold><Bold>IEN</Bold>)。