〈非 正式〉 <Bold>DIFFERENTIAL</Bold> 的简称。
There are two output styles: diff and sdiff.
So you take two documents and diff them.
Gdb indicates that "no1" equals 8 and "diff" equals 0.
gdb指出“ no1 ”等于8,“ diff ”等于0。
In both diff and sdiff styles, the tabs are stripped.
The patch itself is in the same diff format that CVS uses.
修补程序本身采用的格式与 CVS 所使用的 diff 格式相同。
diff 命令比较文本文件。它能比较单个文件或者目录内容。 diff 命令只有当输入为文本文件时才有效。 如果指定了 Directory1 和 Directory2 参数,diff 命令比较两个目录下名字相同的文本文件。列出不同的二进制文件、公共子目录和只在一个目录出现的文件。 diff命令用于比较两个文件的差异,它可以被制作成补丁文件,使用patch命令对相应的文件打补丁。