the least
时间: 2023-10-22 13:36:22
英 [ðə liːst]
美 [ði list]


  • He's the best teacher, even though he has the least experience.


  • It was the people with the least money who gave most generously.


  • On education funding, Japan performs best but spends the least per student.


  • They spend the least money to visit the most places.


  • Huck, we can do that without the least little bit of trouble in the world.


  • To say the least of what we do.


    《Blade Runner 2049》《银翼杀手》

  • But how do we get from here to there? I am not aquatic in the least.


    《Angry Birds》《愤怒的小鸟》

  • I guess people like to read about the things that they want the most and experience the least.


    《Westworld Season 1》《西部世界 第一季》

  • Hang on, Kripke. A loop counter and an escape to the least objectionable activity.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 2》《生活大爆炸 第二季》

  • It's the least I can do after asking you to come down here with such a weird request.


    《X-Men: First Class》《X战警:第一战》

  • It was the least I could do. Besides, if I happened to run into Bryce, that wouldn't be the end of the world.



  • Is this Plutarch's idea? It was mine. It balances the need for revenge with the least loss of human life.


    《The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2》《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟(下)》

  • I have found the least funny person on the entire planet. Okay. But I saw something there, so I took you on.


    《This Is Us Season 1》《我们这一天 第一季》

  • It seems the most expensive place you're advertising is actually bringing you the customers who are spending the least.


    《The Intern》《实习生》

  • Oh,my God, that's so generous! It's the least we can do. I really appreciate it. Can you hold on one second?


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 10》《生活大爆炸 第十季》

  • This is the optimal arrangement to dry with the least amount of paper. Again, shake your hands 12 times, fold, and dry.

    这是用最少量的纸,达到最佳的干手方式 再看一次,甩手12下,对折再擦干。


  • I've scoured every single data file on Commander Lewis personal drive. This is officially the least disco song she owns.


    《The Martian》《火星救援》

  • You see, the guests enjoy power. They cannot indulge it in the outside world, so they come here. As for the hosts, the least we can do is make them forget.


    《Westworld Season 1》《西部世界 第一季》

  • All right, Kripke, that last interest strikes me as the least objectionable, and I would like to propose that we do that together.

    好了,Kripke ,你刚说那兴趣爱好,是我不太讨厌的,我提议咱一起去玩。

    《The Big Bang Theory Season 2》《生活大爆炸 第二季》

  • To say the least. I know who Blair and those girls are, but I know who I am, and I'm not gonna forget that just 'cause I hang out with them.


    《Gossip Girl Season 1》《绯闻女孩 第一季》

  • He pointed out that even if a country can produce pretty much everything at the lowest possible cost, with what economists call an absolute advantage, it's still better to focus on the products it can make most efficiently, that sacrifice the least amount of other goods, and let the rest of the world do the same.


    《60 Second Adventures in Economics》《60秒趣味经济学》


go to seed phr. 开花结籽;变得不修边幅;变得破败

idyll n. 平静快乐的生活;宁静如画的场面;描写田园生活的短诗

vanessa n. 凡妮莎;瓦内萨(女子名)

fathomable adj. 看得透的;可测明深度的;可了解的

manpads 单兵携带防空系统

oner n. 一号物;独特的人;独特的事;一英镑

cost effective 高性价比;有效成本;高效成本

boys n. 男孩;年少的儿子;男青年;做某种工作的男孩;伙计;指某地的人;兵哥哥;小伙子;黑仔;(boy的复数)

dandelions 蒲公英

illiterate adj. 不会读写的;不识字的;没有文化的;无知的;无教养的;粗俗的;读不懂的;文法多差错的。n. 不会读写的人;文盲