a lake filling a volcanic crater in the Cascade mountains of SW Oregon. With a depth of more than 600 m (1,968 ft) it is the deepest lake in the US.
火山口湖(俄勒冈州西南部喀斯喀特山脉一个湖水充满火山口的湖,湖深600米,即 1,968 英尺,是美国最深的湖)。
They also report that the crater lake is stable.
Crater Lake is not connected to any rivers or streams.
Crater Lake has inspired people for thousands of years.
Finally, it is concluded that the crater lake is a caldera.
Crater Lake is a popular sight-seeing spot located in America.
火山口湖(Crater Lake)是美国最深的湖泊,位于美国西北部喀斯喀特山脉南段,轮廓近似圆形,是世界自然奇观之一。火山口湖长9.5千米左右,深589米,是美洲大陆第二深湖。由于湖水非常清澈,湖泊总是呈深蓝色,水温保持在13℃以下,已知的湖泊冰冻也只发生过一次。
a lake filling a volcanic crater in the Cascade mountains of SW Oregon. With a depth of more than 600 m (1,968 ft) it is the deepest lake in the US.
火山口湖(俄勒冈州西南部喀斯喀特山脉一个湖水充满火山口的湖,湖深600米,即 1,968 英尺,是美国最深的湖)。