a North and Central American dove with a long tail, a grey-brown back, and a plaintive call
n. 哀鸽
Elsewhere, the mourning dove is a symbol of peace.
The fluffy, peachy-beige breast feather immediately suggested a mourning dove.
Therefore, when we think of the mourning dove we must remember that they are considered to be the traditional bird of peace and a beloved backyard songbird.
They are drawn to a wide range of seed types like many North American birds but the mourning dove has a real fondness for corn, millet, safflower, and sunflower seeds.
But hunters in 41 other states - including Wisconsin, where the bird is the officially designated symbol of peace - have made the mourning dove the most popular game bird in the United states.
哀鸽(学名:Zenaida macroura)是鸠鸽科动物,又名泣鸽,分布于中美洲和北美洲及其近海岛屿。每年,大量的哀鸽从分布区北部地区迁徙至1月温度高于−12°C的南部地区越冬。 哀鸽的栖息地有开放式和半开放式环境,包括农业区和城市区,对人类改变的环境有良好的适应性。这种鸟数量很多,据估计全球共有4.75亿只。在很多地区,哀鸽是狩猎运动的目标猎物之一,它的肉也被人们食用。在哀鸽的分布区内,经常可以听到它发出“呜-呜-”的哀鸣,也经常会听到其飞过时翅膀发出的尖啸声。哀鸽是飞行健将,时速最快能达到88千米/小时(24.5米/秒)。 哀鸽通常全身为暗哑的浅灰褐色,雌鸟和雄鸟外形相似。哀鸽一般是一夫一妻制,一窝产2枚蛋。雏鸟的双亲都会孵蛋并照顾雏鸟一段时间。在美国,每年有达到7000万只哀鸽被猎捕,因此哀鸽为了维持种群的稳定,有着极旺盛的繁殖力。一对哀鸽每年常会产2-3窝蛋,是北美洲繁殖期最长的鸟类。在温暖地区的繁殖季节里,一对哀鸽一季产卵最多能达到6窝。
a North and Central American dove with a long tail, a grey-brown back, and a plaintive call