Megalodon could swim at high speed in short bursts so tended to rush its prey from beneath.
From scrutiny of its remains, scientists postulate that Megalodon belongs to order Lamniformes;
A 2008 study found that the megalodon shark had the most powerful bite of any known creature that ever lived-strong enough to crush a small car.
巨齿鲨(学名:Carcharodon megalodon),鼠鲨目鼠鲨科动物,是有史以来最大的掠食者之一。 巨齿鲨身体强壮,呈流线型,身长平均16米,最大20.8米,生活在大概2800万-150万年前,已灭绝。酷似大白鲨,但其体型更为巨大。主要以古鲸类和其他类型的鲨鱼为食。其主要生活在温带与亚热带的近岸温暖海水中,也可以忍受较高纬度的冷水环境。