out to out
时间: 2024-02-20 13:22:33


  • Are fit to lay down life, are out to get out feelings.


  • Card out To sign out, as from a place of business, by use of a magnetic card.


  • The first time Cameron set out to out-Lucas Lucas, hehad to make do with $20, 000 and a special effects studio set up intheback bedroom of his house in Orange County.

    首先,卡梅隆邀请卢卡斯加盟。 卢卡斯在奥兰治县注册2万美元在家里开了一家特效工作站。

  • In 2005, researchers set out to find out why juniors at three Chicago public high schools were not getting the ACT scores they needed to qualify for scholarships and admission to colleges.


  • An internal audit of the business operations are being carried out to find out why the business units are not making money.


  • MEANING: You are worried you are missing an opportunity and that time is running out to carry out a plan, such as starting a family or achieving a career goal.


  • Stress testing is carried out to find out the system behavior when subjected to large numbers of transactions during peak period.


  • The best way to stand out is to out-work everyone else.


  • The study was carried out to find out the effects of activities which are commonly thought to be environmentally friendly.


  • At the same time, the training transfer questionnaire is given out to find out the factors that are counteracting the environment of Dalian middle-level leadership civil servants training.


  • In fact all of our peoples very have the potential of, just did not scoop out to come out.


  • Susie ran out to tell out to us the good news.


  • So we set out to find out if we could improve physicians' abilities to do that.


  • Although the test appeared to be accurate, further, larger studies need to be carried out to find out whether it can detect cancers that have not been diagnosed already.


  • Bachelor Carl Weisman got fed up of being as a playboy, a loser or a so he set out to find out exactly why he and a growing number of eligible men were steering clear of marriage.


  • She doesn't know I prefer copying out to cutting out.


  • With nothing to lose, I set out to find out Who I Really Am and the Truth about Life: How does it work?


  • I did set out to find out what actually works and what we know.


  • Finally experiments of anodic bonding and Au-Si bonding have been carried out to find out the key factors related to the bonding strength, and the most feasible bonding manners are put forward.


  • He believes to give sufficient period he to definitely migrate her, ambition definitely read for well microscopic shadow of marquis to drive out to work out from the heart of this matron.


  • Use the Yahoo! HotJobs salary calculator, and also reach out to your out-of-office network to find out how people at other companies are being compensated.


  • The Danish government set out to find out how much contamination from gender-bending chemicals a two-year-old child was exposed to every day.


  • Different digital cameras have different ways of adjusting white balance so ultimately you’ll need to get out your camera’s manual out to work out the specifics of how to make changes.


  • If you want something that has no quality to it, fine, but we’re out to bring out things of quality, regardless of what type of book it is.


  • It can show you live statuses of the trains, update you about where to change lines and let you zoom in and out to make out all the details.


  • Comprehensive treatment should be carried out to root out the source for breeding terrorism .


  • A study has been carried out to find out how to combine the remote sensing information and the non-remote sensing information to update the land use information.


  • Take the plain concrete pavement design for example, the comparison is carried out to find out the differences of thickness of surface design between the two sets of specifications.



carping adj. 挑毛病的,吹毛求疵的。vi. 吹毛求疵;挑剔;找茬;(carp的现在分词)

residence building 居住房屋;住宅建筑;居住建筑

phg 磷酸乙二醇异羟肟酸

something is wrong 有些不对劲

varg 瓦尔格

distribute information 分发信息;传播信息

phoney war 假战争;假打时期

till now 至今;直到现在;直到如今

unfeelingly adj. 无情地; 无感觉的

luckier adj. 更加幸运的;更加运气好的;更加侥幸的;更加带来好运的;(lucky的比较级)