a person who spends their time wandering
they became rovers who departed further and further from civilization .他们变成了离文明越来越远的流浪者。
(in various sports)a player not restricted to a particular position on the field
【澳橄】 三人机动队员组的成员(尤指个子小,速度快,善于接球的队员)。
a vehicle for driving over rough terrain, especially one driven by remote control over extraterrestrial terrain
【槌球】 (穿过所有铁环门但未击中标杆的)满门球。
a player who has such a ball
【射箭】 远距箭靶。
a mark chosen at random and not at a determined range
〈英〉 <Bold>VENTURE </Bold><Bold>SCOUT</Bold>的原称。
〈古〉 海盗;海盗船。
a person or machine that makes roves of fibre (see
"Middle English: from Middle Low German, Middle Dutch