a crab that lives in burrows inland and migrates in large numbers to the sea to breed
n. 陆栖蟹
The same went for the basketball-size coconut crab (see picture), the world's biggest land crab, of which Christmas Island has the world's largest population.
篮球大小的椰子蟹(coconut crab)也是科学家们研究的对象,椰子蟹是世界上最大的陆地蟹类,圣诞岛上的椰子蟹数量是世界上最多的。
We were hoping that was just a tiny trash can but, no, it's a coconut crab, which is the biggest arthropod that lives on land.
We were hoping that was just a tiny trash can but, no, it's a coconut crab , which is the biggest arthropod that lives on land.
Just as he was going to be eaten up, the crab said, "This is just what I deserve, for I had no business to leave my natural home by the sea and settle here as though I belonged to the land."
地蟹 land crab 软甲纲(Malacostraca),十足目(Decapoda),地蟹科(Gecarcinidae)典型的陆生蟹。体方形。成蟹仅偶回海水中生活。产于美洲热带地区、西非和印度-太平洋地区。食动物或植物。百慕大、西印度群岛和美国南部的圆轴蟹(Cardisoma guanhumi),生活在田野、沼泽和红树丛中,有的深入陆地约达8公里(5英里)。成体重约0.5公斤(18盎斯),背甲约宽11公分(4英寸)。百慕达到盖亚那的地蟹(Gecarcinus lateralis)宽9公分(3.5英寸),可进入陆地相当远的距离。生殖季节大量迁徙入海。
a crab that lives in burrows inland and migrates in large numbers to the sea to breed