create impression
时间: 2023-06-12 03:20:18
英 [kriːˈeɪt ɪmˈprɛʃ(ə)n]
美 [kriˈeɪt ɪmˈprɛʃən]


  • It's important to create a good impression when you meet a new client.


  • In the lab, researchers can create the impression of sending light faster than the speed limit by tweaking the speed at which the wave crests of light propagate through space.


  • These cards are a reflection of me and what I wish to represent to people, and by getting quality ones, I create a positive impression on the recipients.

    这些名片是我的写照,是我想要呈现给别人看的。 通过有品质的名片,我能在对方心里建立一个积极的印象。

  • We don't pretend that this campaign will solve the global biodiversity crisis, and we don't want to create the impression that the problem is under control.


  • We meant no harm but only wanted to create a lasting impression on players as they head to Northrend to defeat the Lich King.


  • So we definitely have to create a connection between our new ideas and the previous impression generated to customers without changing too much.


  • Proper business introductions, the Modern English way, are an effective way to create the right impression the first time or in subsequent meetings.


  • We aim to teach Primary Six students competing for secondary school places how to create the right impression when they are interviewed.

    小学升中面试必修班的课程主要是针对学生报考区内中学时, 留下一个良好的印象。

  • Creating effective verb statements highlighting your skills and accomplishments will make your resume strong and create a favorable impression with employers.


  • He effectively modified this formula in order to create the visual impression of distance between the sitter and the observer.


  • A customer service representative with an Indian accent will create the impression we're a vast enterprise that uses overseas call centers.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》《生活大爆炸 第四季》


partial success 部分成功

drunkenness n. 酒醉;醉态

chest n. 胸膛;箱;资金;上身;小箱子;金库;钱库;公款。v. 以胸部推

singlets pl-n. 汗衫;背心;单(谱)线;零自旋(核)能极;单态;(singlet的复数)

expect to do sth 期望做某事

Chicago Board of Trade n. 芝加哥期货交易所

discounting v. 打折扣;对(可能性;事实;人)不全信;对…不予考虑;贴现;降低(产品或服务的)价格;(discount的现在分词)

way of life 典型的行为方式

root ball n. 根团

built adj. 建造;具有…体格的