the action of selling the same product at different prices to different buyers, in order to maximize sales and profits
n. 价格歧视;价格分等;价格差别
A systematic mathematics analysis was presented on second-degree price discrimination. On the basis of quantitative analysis, we got some qualitative conclusions.
The price discrimination is a kind of price decision of firms, and the decision of price is restricted by the firm's competition position and specific circumstances.
Firstly, we studied the method and characteristics of second-degree price discrimination that was enforced by monopoly enterprise on the basis of documents available.
Specifically, the class consists of five themes: price discrimination, cartels and collusion, demand estimation, entry and market structure, and information economics.
There are three results: 1. We studied the reasonable divisional number of demands while second-degree price discrimination was enforced by two oligarchic enterprises.
价格歧视(price discrimination)实质上是一种价格差异,通常指商品或服务的提供者在向不同的接受者提供相同等级、相同质量的商品或服务时,在接受者之间实行不同的销售价格或收费标准。经营者没有正当理由,就同一种商品或者服务,对若干买主实行不同的售价,则构成价格欺诈行为。价格歧视是一种重要的垄断定价行为,是垄断企业通过差别价格来获取超额利润的一种定价策略。 地区性压价行为、没有正当理由对交易条件相同的若干买主实行不同的价格都是价格歧视行为的具体表现。根据《罗宾逊一帕特曼法》的规定,适用价格歧视禁止规定的行为必须符合两个要件,其一是企业将同样的货物以不同的价格卖给了不同的顾客; 其二是有理由认为这种行为会导致竞争受到损害。但是,并非所有的价格歧视行为都是自身违法的,如果供应人能够证明他相应地降低了成本,实行差别价格,确定低于其他竞争者的价格是合理的,也可免责。
the action of selling the same product at different prices to different buyers, in order to maximize sales and profits