a peer of the realm; a man of noble rank or high office
Lord Derby .德比男爵。
上议院;[总称] 上院议员。
Lord John Russell. 约翰·罗素阁下。
in compound titles of other people of authority
[用 作高级官衔的一部分] 阁下,大人
Lord High Executioner .行刑官阁下。
〈史〉 封建领主(尤指庄园宅邸所有者)。
a master or ruler
our lord the king. 我们的统治者国王陛下。
give thanks to the Lord. 感谢上帝。
【占 星】 〈旧〉 主星。
used in exclamations expressing surprise or worry, or for emphasis
Lord, I'm cold! 哎呀,好冷!
[with obj.]
〈古〉 把…封为贵族。
live like a lord live sumptuously 过奢华的生活 -
Lord (God) of hosts God as Lord over earthly or heavenly armies“万军之主”耶和华 -
Lord of the manor the owner of a manor house (formerly the master of a feudal manor) 宅邸主人(原指封建庄园主) -
Lord of Misrule historical a person presiding over Christmas games and revelry in a wealthy household〈史〉 富有家族中主持圣诞聚会的人 -
the Lord's Day Sunday 星期天 -
the Lord's Prayer the prayer taught by Christ to his disciples, beginning ‘Our Father.’主祷文 -
the Lord's Supper the Eucharist; Holy Communion (especially in Protestant use) 圣餐;(尤指新教)圣餐礼 -
My Lord a polite form of address to judges, bishops, and certain noblemen 大人,阁下(对法官、主教和贵族的尊称) -
Our Lord Christ 基督
"Old English