Thomas (
萨弗里,托马斯(约1650—1715, 英国工程师,通称“萨弗里船长”,曾获得早期蒸汽机的专利,该蒸汽机后来由纽科门改进)。
Watt's engines were clearly much more economical than those of Savery and Newcomen but were relatively inefficient by modem standards.
瓦特的发动机很显然要比萨尔韦和纽科门的经济,但用现代的标准来看, 效率相对较低。
One way to overcome this limitation was to use pressures greater than one atmosphere, and this was done by Thomas Savery in 1698 in a steam engine designed to pump water from mines.
Thomas (
萨弗里,托马斯(约1650—1715, 英国工程师,通称“萨弗里船长”,曾获得早期蒸汽机的专利,该蒸汽机后来由纽科门改进)。