push (something or someone) suddenly or violently in the specified direction
she thrust her hands into her pockets 她把双手插进口袋
figurative 〈喻〉Howard was thrust into the limelight 霍华德被猛推到聚光灯下
[no obj.]
he thrust at his opponent with his sword .他用剑刺向对手。
[no obj., with adverbial of direction](of a person)move or advance forcibly
she thrust through the bramble canes 她奋力穿行过黑莓的爬藤
he tried to thrust his way past her .他尽力想从她身边挤过去。
[no obj., with adverbial of direction](of a thing)extend so as to project conspicuously
beside the boathouse a jetty thrust out into the water .在停船棚屋旁,一道防波堤直插入水。
he felt that fame had been thrust upon him .他觉得自己是被迫接受了那名誉。
[no obj.](of a man)penetrate the vagina or anus of a sexual partner with forceful movements of the penis
a sudden or violent lunge with a pointed weapon or a bodily part
he drove the blade upwards with one powerful thrust .他猛一使劲把刀向上刺去。
a forceful attack or effort
executives led a new thrust in business development .经理们在业务开发上发起了新一轮的攻势。
[in sing.]the principal purpose or theme of a course of action or line of reasoning
anti-Americanism became the main thrust of their policy .反美主义成了他们政策的主要风向标。
[mass noun]the propulsive force of a jet or rocket engine
the lateral pressure exerted by an arch or other support in a building
【地质】 冲断层,逆断层。
"Middle English (as a verb): from Old Norse