create state
时间: 2023-06-12 03:21:13
英 [kriːˈeɪt steɪt]
美 [kriˈeɪt steɪt]


  • We cover algorithms, methods, and techniques in order to create state-of-art cryptographic embedded software and hardware using common platforms and technologies.


  • Cannot create state file. Aborting process.

    无法创建状态文件. 正在中止进程.

  • Create State-of-the-Art Database Applications for the Web.


  • Using the var construct it is possible to create state local to a particular screen.

    使用 var结构我们可以创建嵌入在特定屏幕中的状态。

  • The other day I got an e-mail asking how to create a portlet that changes its rendered content when the portlet's window state changes, like when the window is maximized or minimized.

    前几天,我收到一封电子邮件, 询问如何创建一个 portlet 以便在 portlet 的窗口状态更改(比如窗口最大化或最小化时)时更改其呈现内容。

  • Samba, the country's dominant musical style, was used by politicians in the 30s in an attempt to create unity and a sense of national identity in this vast multiracial state.


  • They want to create internationally competitive brands of their own and they're going to do that both through traditional capitalist means, but also with the help of their state.


  • In that case it might be better to create just one transition that you can reuse in modeling most of the transitions that lead to that state.


  • Now, Johanns is letting industry groups create their own tracking systems, so long as(9) state and federal authorities are able to tap into the systems when needed.


  • The funds support cooperative agreements designed to create a national integrated food safety system through enhanced federal and state collaboration in food emergency response activities.



partial success 部分成功

drunkenness n. 酒醉;醉态

chest n. 胸膛;箱;资金;上身;小箱子;金库;钱库;公款。v. 以胸部推

singlets pl-n. 汗衫;背心;单(谱)线;零自旋(核)能极;单态;(singlet的复数)

expect to do sth 期望做某事

Chicago Board of Trade n. 芝加哥期货交易所

discounting v. 打折扣;对(可能性;事实;人)不全信;对…不予考虑;贴现;降低(产品或服务的)价格;(discount的现在分词)

way of life 典型的行为方式

root ball n. 根团

built adj. 建造;具有…体格的