Back haul is the distance traveled from the delivery destination point back to the departure point.
I can haul her back in, and there she is again.
Driving between such major cities as Miami and Tampa is a back-numbing haul; flying between them, especially at the exorbitant fares many airlines charge, often seems impractical.
Again the crew sent Hughes out over the river, and again they were forced to haul him back.
Oregon State University team member Florian Kapsenberg steers the rover from the team's control station in the back of a U-Haul trailer.
俄勒冈州立大学代表队队员弗洛里安·凯普森伯格(Florian Kapsenberg)正在位于u - Haul通讯拖车内的控制室里操控漫游者。