howards end
时间: 2023-09-12 21:23:25


  • More specifically, the plot of Forster's Howards End, ingeniously re-engineered, underpins much of the storyline of On Beauty.


  • He finds unpleasant snobbery, for example, in Forster's treatment of Leonard Bast, the pathetic clerk with literary aspirations in "Howards End".


  • He published six long novels altogether, among which Howards End is generally regarded as his masterpiece and has always been the most controversial of his novels.


  • As one of Forster's two best-known works, Howards End explores the irreconcilability of class differences with the analysis of the social reality and human civilization.


  • In Howards End, Forster employs several pairs of binary oppositions to present the conflicts in modern society, such as men and women, city and country, ideal and reality, etc.



With a new Introduction by James Ivory\nCommentary by Virginia Woolf, Lionel Trilling, Malcolm Bradbury, and Joseph Epstein\n\Howards End is a classic English novel . . . superb and wholly cherishable . . . one that admirers have no trouble reading over and over again,\ said Alfred Kazin.\nFirst published in 1910, Howards End is the novel that earned E. M. Forster recognition as a major writer. At its heart lie two families—the wealthy and business-minded Wilcoxes and the cultured and idealistic Schlegels. When the beautiful and independent Helen Schlegel begins an impetuous affair with the ardent Paul Wilcox, a series of events is sparked—some very funny, some very tragic—that results in a dispute over who will inherit Howards End, the Wilcoxes' charming country home. As much about the clash between individual wills as the clash between the sexes and the classes, Howards End is a novel whose central tenet, \Only connect,\ remains a powerful prescription for modern life.\n\Howards End is undoubtedly Forster's masterpiece; it develops to their full the themes and attitudes of [his] early books and throws back upon them a new and enhancing light,\ wrote the critic Lionel Trilling.


carping adj. 挑毛病的,吹毛求疵的。vi. 吹毛求疵;挑剔;找茬;(carp的现在分词)

residence building 居住房屋;住宅建筑;居住建筑

phg 磷酸乙二醇异羟肟酸

something is wrong 有些不对劲

varg 瓦尔格

distribute information 分发信息;传播信息

phoney war 假战争;假打时期

till now 至今;直到现在;直到如今

unfeelingly adj. 无情地; 无感觉的

luckier adj. 更加幸运的;更加运气好的;更加侥幸的;更加带来好运的;(lucky的比较级)