the action of gambling money on the outcome of a race, game, or other unpredictable event
the odds offered by bookmakers for such events
Atlantic Way headed the betting at 2-1. 大西洋赛马区的赌注居先,赔率为1赔2。
the betting is informal it is likely 〈非正式〉 很可能是the betting is that the company will slash the dividend. 公司很可能会大幅减发股息 -
in (或out of )the betting likely (or unlikely) to be among the winners of a horse race and given appropriate odds 赛马可能(或不可能)获胜并赢得赌注 -
what's the betting? Brit. informal used to express a belief that something is likely 〈英,非正式〉 相信有可能what's the betting he's up to no good? 他很可能在搞什么鬼名堂