a very light, pale sponge cake made of flour, egg whites, and no fat, typically baked in a ring shape and covered with soft icing
〈北美〉 天使蛋糕(用面粉、蛋白制成的松软的卷筒形蛋糕,敷有酥软糖衣)。
n. 天使蛋糕
I want to buy milk and angel cake.
Miss Moneypenny: and I%27ll cook you a wonderful angel cake.
Waiter: Well, you wouldn't expect to find any angels in an angel food cake, would you?
Have your cake Pick up an angel food cake for dessert. It's packed with air and has fewer than half the calories of, say, pound cake.
And I had almost completely forgotten about the chocolate cake until Angel came home an hour later with a to-go box from a restaurant.
天使蛋糕(angel cake)是一种烘培食品。于19世纪在美国开始流行起来,通常使用叉子、锯齿形刀以及特殊的切具。不含牛油、油质。 天使蛋糕的制作工序比较简单,选用蛋白、低筋面粉与玉米粉,配以细砂糖、盐以及塔塔粉;将蛋白用打蛋器打至呈鱼眼泡状后,加入盐和少许塔塔粉;分三次加入细砂糖, 筛入低筋面粉和玉米淀粉,用橡皮刮刀轻轻把面粉和蛋白搅拌均匀;放入预热好的烤箱,170度,烤20分钟左右即可出炉。 天使蛋糕的起源可以追溯到1839年的海绵蛋糕食谱,使用酒石(用于烘焙发酵)和打发的蛋清制成。
a very light, pale sponge cake made of flour, egg whites, and no fat, typically baked in a ring shape and covered with soft icing
〈北美〉 天使蛋糕(用面粉、蛋白制成的松软的卷筒形蛋糕,敷有酥软糖衣)。